Automate your office workflow!

How can you significantly increase office productivity, eliminate repetitive tasks, and reclaim staff time? There’s a simple answer: intelligent automation.

What are bots and smart automation?
What are bots and smart automation?
Imagine an employee charged to only one task, such as reviewing CVs and selecting only those that meet specific criteria. Or one who does nothing but write back to candidates and send them personalized emails.
Or one whose job is only to complete and file social insurance documents. Those activities are tedious, repetitive, and take up a lot of time. And what if… these tasks could just do themselves?
This is what intelligent automation is all about. We offer solutions in the form of bots or programs that do the work for you.
Our solutions include...
Customer references
Generator Bot – Automated document generator and organizer
Our Generator Bot downloads your office’s customer documents from your accounting software and puts them on your hard drive. This gives you easy access to such documents at any time, for example, during an inspection.
Read more Reconciliation Bot – Automatic reconciliation of bank statements
A solution that automatically performs the entire bank statement reconciliation process and relieves your employees of manual work. As a result, they can devote more time to activities of greater strategic importance to your office.
Read more Archiver Bot – Automatic archiving of ZUS PUE documents
ZUS PUE documents have to be stored for five years – but ZUS deletes them in-house after just two years. Do they take too long to download? Our Bot downloads and archives documents on your hard drive.
Read more e-ZLA Bot – Automatic registration of sick leave documents
The e-ZLA Bot automates processing sick leave documents for your customers’ employees. The Bot automatically downloads sick leave documents from the PUE ZUS portal, saves them on your disk, and enters them into the accounting application. It will ensure that all sick leave documents are registered real-time.
Read more Invoice Bot - Intelligent document reading
Our document scanning solution automates and speeds up the processing of invoices, bills, and receipts, removing the need for manual data entry. Using an advanced OCR engine, we ensure high accuracy and efficiency.
Read more Digital Workers – Individual solutions
Or do you need to streamline and automate other activities or processes in your office? We can develop a bespoke solution – a bot that can perform any process independently and automatically.
Read more Kamila Cieszkowska
Biuro Rachunkowe PODATNIK
„The automatic document generator and organizer allowed me to save my Accounting Office staff time.”
Joanna Nejman
„The use of process automation (with automatic document generator and organizer) has allowed the company to reduce operating costs and use personnel resources more efficiently.”
Maria Jolanta Kosiedowska
„Thanks to Cobotily's solution, I eliminated repetitive and tedious work in my Accounting Office.”
Janusz Bukowski
Biura Rachunkowe Bukowska
„The Cobotily bot has enhanced the daily operations of my Accounting Office, making the company run more efficiently and effectively.”
Lucyna Bujalska
Biuro Rachunkowe DEBET
"Cobotily proves that modern technologies can truly simplify office work. Now my accountants focus on analysis and advising clients, rather than repetitive clicking."
Joanna Bernatowicz
"Cobotily provided a quick implementation of the solution, which is why the e-zla bot significantly accelerated my work."